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Raising Spiritual Champions
Research from 2025
2025 Trends Outlook
LATEST: Report #1: CRC’s Barna Describes Faith and Cultural Trends Likely to Emerge in 2025 (Release #1 1-22-2025)
Research from 2024
2024 Election Research
2024 Post-Election Research: Report #2: Decisive Christian Vote Carries Trump to Historic Victory, Post-Election Research Shows (Release #2 11-13-2024)
2024 Pre-Election Research: Report #1: 104 Million People of Faith—Including 32 Million Christian Regular Churchgoers—Projected to Abstain from Voting in November (Release #1 10-07-2024)
American Worldview Inventory 2024: A National Survey of Biblical and Competing Worldviews
AWVI 2024: Research Suggests Consequences of Anti-Biblical Worldview Often Misdiagnosed and Treated as Mental Illness (Release #5 09-24-2024)
AWVI 2024: New Research Reveals the Limitations of Christian Evangelicalism in American Society (Release #4 08-06-2024)
AWVI 2024: Explaining America’s 40-Year Drop in Biblical Worldview – And How to Reverse that Decline (Release #3 05-28-2024)
AWVI 2024: Millions of Americans Embrace Common Unbiblical Perspectives, Survey Shows (Release #2: 04-25-2024)
AWVI 2024: America Needs Spiritual Renewal More Than Political Majority (Release #1: 02-19-2024)
Research from Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul 2023-2024
*CRC Release – Raising Spiritual Champions: Survey Reveals Preteen Children Reject Basic Bible Views (Release #04 February 6, 2024)
Research from 2023
Research Insights from Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul 2023-2024
Raising Spiritual Champions: The Pathway for Children to Become ‘Spiritual Champions’ (Release #03: 10-10-2023)
Raising Spiritual Champions: Four ‘Disciple-Making Practices’ to Shape Children into ‘Spiritual Champions’ (Release #02: 09-18-2023)
Raising Spiritual Champions: Key Insights for Raising the Next Generation of ‘Spiritual Champions’ (Release #01: 09-05-2023)
American Worldview Inventory 2023: A National Post-Pandemic Survey of Biblical and Competing Worldviews
AWVI 2023: How the Pandemic Reshaped Christian Beliefs and Behaviors (Release #05: 06-13-2023)
AWVI 2023: U.S. Adult Generations Vary in Spiritual Responses to Pandemic (Release #04: 05-10-2023)
AWVI 2023: How the Faith of Americans Has Shifted Since the Start of the Pandemic (Release #03: 04-20-2023)
AWVI 2023: Research Identifies the Best Starting Point for Developing a Biblical Worldview (Release #02: 03-14-2023)
AWVI 2023: Incidence of Biblical Worldview Shows Significant Change Since the Start of the Pandemic (Release #01: 02-28-2023)
Research from 2022
America’s Values Study: A National Study of Core Values in the United States 2022
America’s Values Study 2022: The Interplay Between Beliefs and Values (Report #06: 02-14-2023)
America’s Values Study 2022: A Different Take on the Midterm Election (Report #05: 11-17-2022)
America’s Values Study 2022: Current View of ‘Traditional Moral Values’ Excludes ‘Biblical Morality’ (Report #04: 11-1-2022)
America’s Values Study 2022: Issues of Influence: The Economy is Hot; Religious Freedom and Environment Are Not (Report #03: 10-20-2022)
America’s Values Study 2022: A National Moment of Truth: Whose Vision and Values Will Prevail? (Report #02: 09-27-2022)
America’s Values Study 2022: America’s Values Identify Possible Means to National Unity (Report #01: 09-14-2022)
American Worldview Inventory 2022: A National Survey of the Worldview of Pastors and Parents
AWVI 2022: Non-Denominational Pastors Far More Likely to Hold Biblical Worldviews than All Other Denomination’s Pastors (Release #07: 08-30-2022)
AWVI 2022: Only Half of Evangelical Pastors Possess a Biblical Worldview; Incidence Even Lower for Most Denominations (Release #06: 05-24-2022)
AWVI 2022: Shocking Results Concerning the Worldview of Christian Pastors (Release #05: 05-12-2022)
AWVI 2022: Improving Parents’ Ability to Raise Spiritual Champions (Release #04: 04-26-2022)
AWVI 2022: A Detailed Look at How the Worldview of Parents of Preteens Misses the Mark (Release #03: 04-12-2022)
AWVI 2022: The Strengths and Weaknesses of What Preteen Parents Believe and Do (Release #02: 03-29-2022)
AWVI 2022: The Worldview Dilemma of American Parents (Release #01: 03-08-2022)
CRC Brief: American Worldview Inventory Methodology
CRC Brief: What is a Worldview? What is the Biblical Worldview?
Adoption and Its Competitors in American Society: Results of a National Survey Regarding Adoption in the United States in 2022
Post-Dobbs, Survey Explains Adoption Perspectives of Prospective Mothers (Release #02: 07-12-2022)
New Research Finds Millions of Women Unaware of Adoption Process and Benefits (Release #01: 06-09-2022)
Full Report: Adoption and Its Competitors in American Society: Results of a National Survey Regarding Adoption in the United States in 2022
Research from 2021
Millennial Reports—Highlighting Key Findings from Millennials in America: New Insights into the Generation of Growing Influence
Millennial Report 03: “Indifference to God, Jesus and the Bible Drives Millennials’ Faith,” George Barna (12-07-2021)
Millennial Report 02: “Emotional and Mental Health Issues Hinder Millennial Relationships,” George Barna (11-23-2021)
Millennial Report 01: “Millennials Establish Their Need for Purpose and Lifestyle Changes,” George Barna (11-09-2021)
American Worldview Inventory 2021: National Survey of Biblical and Competing Worldviews Releases
AWVI 2021: Postmodernism and Secular Humanism Increasingly Influence American Adults (10-19-2021)
AWVI 2021: What Americans Find Attractive about Marxism (09-30-2021)
AWVI 2021: What Does It Mean When People Say They Are “Christian”? (08-31-2021)
AWVI 2021: Top 10 Most Seductive Unbiblical Ideas Embraced by Americans (06-22-2021)
AWVI 2021: The National Religious Realignment: Identifying Dramatic Changes in Long-Term Faith Commitments (06-08-2021)
AWVI 2021: The Seismic Generational Shift in Worldview: Millennials Seek a Nation Without God, Bible and Churches (Report #3: 05-12-2021)
AWVI 2021: Introducing America’s Most Popular Worldview—Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (Report #2: 04-27-2021)
AWVI 2021: America’s Dominant Worldview (Report #1: 04-13-2021)
Research from 2020
CRC 2020 Election Research
CRC 2020 Post-Election Survey Report #4: “President Biden’s Supporters Less Likely to Hold Biblical Worldview” (02-16-2021)
CRC 2020 Post-Election Survey Report #3: “America’s Thirst for Socialism Has Plummeted” (02-03-2021)
CRC 2020 Post-Election Survey Report #2: “Finding Common Ground in 2021” (01-19-2021)
CRC 2020 Post-Election Survey Report #1: “Active Conservative Christians Were Huge for Trump; SAGE Con Turnout and Trump Vote Set Records” (11-24-2020)
Election Survey: “President Trump Will Get Overwhelming Support from Conservative Christians in 2020 – But for Different Reasons than in 2016” (10/29/2020)
American Worldview Inventory 2020: National Survey of the Worldview of American Adults Releases
AWVI 2020: Restoring America by Reframing Its Worldview (Report #12: 11-10-2020)
AWVI 2020: Churches and Worldview (Report #11: 10-06-2020)
AWVI 2020: Millennials and Worldview (Report #10: 09-22-2020)
AWVI 2020: Worldview and Political Beliefs (Report #9: 08-19-2020)
AWVI 2020: Perceptions of Sin and Salvation (Report #8: 08-04-2020)
AWVI 2020: Perceptions of the Value of Human Life (Report #7: 06-23-2020)
AWVI 2020: Perceptions of Morality & Moral Choices (Report #6: 06-02-2020)
AWVI 2020: Perceptions of Truth (Report #5: 05-19-2020)
AWVI 2020: Seeking Purpose & Success (Report #4: 05-06-2020)
AWVI 2020: Perceptions of God (Report #3: 04-21-2020)
AWVI 2020: Faith and Worldview (Report #2: 04-07-2020)
AWVI 2020: Worldview in America (Report #1: 03-24-2020)
CRC Release: COVID-19 Crisis Shifts Perceptions of the Most Important National Issues (04/30/2020)
CRC Brief: American Worldview Inventory Methodology
CRC Brief: What is a Worldview? What is the Biblical Worldview?
For more information
Contact Tracy Munsil, Executive Director
(602) 489-5300
[email protected]
Cultural Research Center
Arizona Christian University
1 W. Firestorm Way
Glendale, AZ 85306