University Strategic Plan
Arizona Christian University seeks to be America’s premier biblical worldview university; with faithful pursuit of its mission, marked by financial stewardship and excellent academics, ACU is expanding its reach and graduating students for cultural influence with God’s truth.
ACU’s strategic plan is guided by the vision and mission of the University which provide the fundamental reason for why we exist and a compass for where we are going. Our covenantal core values: Fire, Influence, Relationship, and Excellence forms the foundation that guides our behavior and sets the foundation for the 5 overarching pillars of the strategic plan. ACU’s strategic plan is overseen by the Board of Trustees and reviewed annually for continuous improvement.
Download the Arizona Christian University Strategic Plan for a full overview of our pillars and goals.
the pillars
Missional Fidelity
Steadfast adherence to the biblical principles encompassed in the University’s mission, vision, and values.
Financial Stewardship
Faithful pursuit of sustainability and stewardship of financial resources and assets as expected from an exceptional and influential Christian university.
Academic Excellence
Grow ACU’s elite academic programs, resources, faculty, and capabilities marked by attitudes of service and global influence.
Expanding Reach
Be recognized as a leading theologically conservative Christian university.
Cultural Influence
Active and biblical engagement with all of ACU’s internal, external communities and neighbors to transform culture with truth.
Mission Fidelity
- Defend and Maintain ACU’s Steadfast Adherence to Biblical Principles
- Strengthen the University’s Independence and sustainability Consistent with Biblical Principles
Financial Stewardship
- Develop and Grow a Diverse Portfolio of Revenue Streams
- Faithful Stewardship of University Resources and Assets
Academic Excellence
- Equip Students for Life, Careers, and Calling
- Offer Exceptional Forward-Looking Academic Programs
Expanding Reach
- Have a Missionary Mindset and Approach for Expanding ACU’s Reach
- Raise the Visibility and Awareness of ACU
Cultural Influence
- Cultivate and Promote Active Cultural Engagement with God’s Truth
- Equip the ACU Community for Cultural Influence