Facts & Figures
We are a #1 ranked University
Arizona Christian University has been ranked the #1 University in Arizona by College Consensus. ACU is also ranked a “Best College” by U.S. News & World Report.
Countries represented
States are represented
Average class size
Students are enrolled for the 2023-2024 academic year
Academic programs with 41 areas of study
ACU is in the top 5% for student athlete GPA
Student to Faculty ratio
Student Outcomes
Arizona Christian University provides the following Student Right-to-Know information regarding completion and retention rates.
Additional information regarding Arizona Christian University facts and figures is available from the National Center for Education Statistics: https://nces.ed.gov/
Our purpose is what makes Us different
In these turbulent times, preparing Christian leaders to influence the world has never been more important. At Arizona Christian University, this is our calling. We are dedicated to helping you pursue a degree in your chosen area of study while equipping you to be “salt and light” where God places you. We are the only university in the southwestern United States intentionally committed to helping our country return to the conservative biblical truths that were central to its foundation.