Core Learning Outcomes

Arizona Christian University graduates will be able to:

» Express a personal, God-given calling for their lives

» Describe and explain basic elements of the Christian faith

» Apply a Christian worldview to their lives

» Communicate persuasively in both written and oral contexts

» Form and maintain significant personal relationships, providing leadership roles to groups and organizations

» Articulate a holistic and integrated view of human culture—one that includes historical events, philosophical movements, scientific changes, and developments in the applied and fine arts (such as literature and music)—and be able to distinguish between major eras of human culture

» Describe and critique local culture, including modern social structures

» Apply cultural theories to global settings through intercultural experiences

» Demonstrate information literacy and critical thinking skills

» Extend the truths of one’s own disciplines via original research or practice

Transform Culture with Truth

The CORE curriculum learning outcomes are intentionally aligned with ACU’s strategic vision to “transform culture with truth”:

» TRANSFORM: Express a personal, God-given calling for their lives

» TRUTH: Describe and explain basic elements of the Christian faith

» TRUTH: Apply a Christian worldview to their lives

» TRANSFORM: Communicate persuasively in both written and oral contexts

» TRANSFORM: Form and maintain significant personal relationships, providing leadership roles to groups and organizations

» CULTURE: Articulate a holistic and integrated view of human culture—one that includes historical events, philosophical movements, scientific changes, and developments in the applied and fine arts (such as literature and music)—and be able to distinguish between major eras of human cultures

» CULTURE: Describe and critique local culture, including modern social structures

» CULTURE: Apply cultural theories to global settings through intercultural experiences

» TRUTH: Demonstrate information literacy and critical thinking skills

» TRUTH: Extend the truths of one’s own disciplines via original research or practice

When a student graduates from Arizona Christian University, they will be equipped to “Transform Culture with Truth.”


Oh, The Things You Will Do

The CORE liberal arts curriculum is NOT just about writing papers and taking exams. The curriculum is filled with a variety of engaging activities, projects and presentations that will bring what you are learning to life. Here are a few of the things you will do …

» You will connect Jesus’ life to your own personal calling

» You will prepare and deliver a persuasive speech

» You will identify your personal strengths and apply them to your life’s calling and your larger vocational goals.

» You will write a persuasive research essay

» You will create an Annotated Bibliography

» Present your understanding of your individual place in culture

» You will learn to analyze data sets

» You will compare and contrast changes in theological history

» You will study and present themes of Christian doctrine and practice

» You will discover and write your Family Cultural History

» You will develop a means of sharing a biblical worldview with culture

» You will evaluate contemporary worldview in relation to biblical worldview

» You will create and present a Humanities Artifact Portfolio

» You will debate the moral influences on current social structures

» You will develop a Personal Mission statement

» You will participate in a mock colloquium, symposium or performance

» You will create and present a persuasive or research essay

» You will interpret a passage of Scripture

» You will learn how do defend your faith through apologetics

HUMANITIES Digital Portfolio – Over the course of four HUM classes, you will create a digital portfolio of “artifacts” relating to the coursework – from mummies to modern pop culture. These digital “artifacts” can be as creative as you want them to be – videos, presentations, graphic representations, essays and speeches – it’s up to you.