Core Importance of Liberal Arts
At Arizona Christian University, the CORE Christian liberal arts curriculum is designed to educate the whole student—it is a curriculum that helps them grow theologically, spiritually, personally, socially, and intellectually. We desire to offer a liberal arts core that is fully integrated with the truth of Christianity and a biblical worldview.
It is with this desire to educate the whole person and transform culture with truth, as well as mission to provide a biblically integrated education that prepares its graduates to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, that Arizona Christian University approaches its liberal arts curriculum. The University does recognize that vocational training and skill development is important and can and does take place within its academic offerings, but the University’s liberal arts core is dedicated to faithfully developing the whole Christian person for a life of service to others, not simply to a potential job, career, or employer.
Arizona Christian University’s CORE liberal arts curriculum is grounded in the following principles:
» The CORE liberal arts curriculum grounded in the Christian faith will help the student theologically, guiding their understanding of God.
» The CORE liberal arts curriculum grounded in the Christian faith will help the student spiritually, cultivating a personal relationship with Christ, giving them a greater sense of purpose.
» The CORE liberal arts curriculum grounded in the Christian faith will help the student personally, developing their understanding of their humanness.
» The CORE liberal arts curriculum grounded in the Christian faith will help the student socially, revealing the importance of faith for society at large.
» The CORE liberal arts curriculum grounded in the Christian faith will help the student intellectually, exposing them to a wider palate of educational experiences.
Will a Christian liberal arts education help me get a job?
Since antiquity, philosophers and educators alike have debated the nature of education. One part of the debate involves determining the appropriate nature and breadth of one’s study: should one get a broad education and learn about many different subjects or should one specialize and receive focused training in a specific skill?
The CORE Christian Liberal Arts curriculum helps us to re-think higher education and in particular, the potential role of the liberal arts within it. We believe that a university education can do more than simply train workers for specific jobs. Instead, we believe that a good liberal arts education and career preparation are not mutually exclusive. A good liberal arts education can actually better prepare a student for the workplace, more so than earning a degree in a specific field of study.
A Christian liberal arts education such as the ACU CORE is founded on the idea that we are human persons first and workers second. Yes, the skills, education and qualifications we acquire are important to our work and careers. But people change jobs and careers multiple times over their lives. Training in specific job skills frequently becomes obsolete in only a few short years.
New Report Documents That Liberal Arts Disciplines Prepare Graduates for Long-Term Professional Success
» A recent report documents that liberal arts education prepares graduates for long-term professional success.
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» Three out of four employers would recommend a liberal arts education to their own child or to a young person they know to prepare them to achieve professional and career success in today’s global economy.
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» Employers want all students to study the liberal arts and sciences.
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» Four out of five employers agree that all students should acquire broad knowledge in the liberal arts and sciences.
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» Ninety-three percent of employers agree that candidates’ demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve problems is more important than their undergraduate major.
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» Liberal arts are “an invitation to think for oneself.” Predicting trends in higher education in 2016, Wesleyan University President Michael S. Roth writes: “In 2016, we can recognize again that liberal learning in the American tradition isn’t only training; it is an invitation to think for oneself—and to act in concert with others to face serious challenges and create far-reaching opportunities.”
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» A new study indicates that the liberal arts are “good for both mind and pocketbook.”
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» Liberal arts majors close the earning gaps—and in fact make about $2,000 more—than students majoring in the professional and pre-professional majors (e.g. nursing or business) by the time they reach peak earning ages (56-60 years).
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» The already low unemployment rates for liberal arts majors declines over time and is just .04 percent higher than professional and pre-professional majors when both groups hit mature work age (41-50 years).
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Liberal Arts in Higher Education Articles
› Trends and Emerging Practices in General Education
› Believing in the Liberal Arts: Towards a Faithful Model of Higher Education
› Philosophy of the Liberal Arts
» Sources for Philosophy of Liberal Arts
› Liberal Education: Initiating the Conversation
› Liberal Arts Traditions and Christian Higher Education
› Re-Imagining a Distinctively Christian Liberal Arts Education
› It Takes More Than a Major: Employer Priorities for College Learning and Student Success
› About LEAP (Liberal Education and America’s Promise)
› New Year, New Future for Liberal Education
› The Liberal Arts: Good for Both Mind and Pocketbook
› The Value of a Liberal Arts Education in Today’s Global Marketplace
› Myth: A Liberal Arts Education in Becoming Irrelevant
» More Liberal Arts and Sciences articles from the Association of American Colleges & Universities