Color Palette and Typography

ACU in Color

Arizona Christian University’s official colors are red, yellow, dark grey and black. A complete color palette, including primary and secondary colors support the Arizona Christian University brand. Colors are one of the strongest ties to memory, and the consistent application of our primary and secondary colors palettes are critical. The teal color from the primary palette along with the colors from the secondary palette should be used in moderation.

Primary Colors

Color CMYK RGB Hex
Firestorm Red 9/96/100/1 217/46/39 d92e26
ACU Marigold 5/25/100/0 243/190/23 f3be17
Light Grey 17/15/18/0 210/207/201 d2cfc8
Dark Red 16/97/100/5 198/42/35 c62a23
Dark Grey 72/68/67/90 34/34/34 222222
Grey 69/63/64/72 53/53/53 353535
Teal 57/09/00/13 96/201/221 60c9dd

Secondary Colors

Color CMYK RGB Hex
White 0/0/0/0 255/255/255 ffffff
Black 75/68/67/90 0/0/0 000000
Web Grey 68/61/60/47 64/64/64 404040
Silver 9/8/10/0 228/226/222 e4e2de
Coral 0/20/20/0 252/211/193 fcd3c1
Orange 4/44/90/0 239/156/54 ee9c36
Bright Yellow 0/21/97/0 255/202/23 ffc917
Lemon Curry 23/36/100/2 199/156/19 c79c13
Firebrick 0/78/82/30 178/38/32 b22620
Maroon 0/100/95/75 94/0/0 5e0000

ACU Typography

Consider typography an extension of the Arizona Christian University personality. It conveys moods, tones, and meanings.


  • Proxima Nova should be used as a title, headline, and header font.
    • Montserrat may be used as a substitute when Proxima Nova is not available.
    • Roboto Condensed may be used as a substitute when Proxima Nova Condensed is not available.
  • Open Sans should be used for body copy and larger volumes of content.


  • Kulturista should be used for subheaders and body copy.
    • Roboto Slab may be used as a substitute when Kulturista is not available.