Maricopa Community College to ACU Course Mapping
2023-2024 Academic Year
This guide is for students wishing to take classes at Maricopa Community Colleges for the purpose of transferring into a 4-year program at ACU. This guide maps MCC courses that are accepted for General Education CORE and for lower-division courses in each Academic Major.
It is not a complete list of all transfer credits accepted from Maricopa Community Colleges.
Please refer to the ACU Undergraduate Transfer Guide for a complete definition of transfer credits accepted and limitations on transfer credits.
General Education Courses
General Education CORE
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
ENG101 English Composition I | ENG101: First-Year Composition |
ENG102 English Composition II | ENG102: First-Year Composition |
COM100 Public Speaking | COM225: Public Speaking |
HUM201/202 Humanities I/II | Transfer credit only accepted under the Bible Minor Waiver. |
HUM302/301 Humanities II/IV | No transfer accepted. |
LIA 101 C3: Community, Covenant, Commitment | Transfer credit only accepted under LIA101 waiver. |
LIA102 Biblical Worldview and Culture | No transfer accepted. |
General Education MATH
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
Math for Bachelors Degrees (3 credits) (Excludes Biology, Elementary Education and Secondary Education -Math majors) |
MAT142: College Mathematics |
MAT112 College Algebra (For Biology majors) | MAT121: Intermediate Algebra MAT150: College Algebra/Functions MAT151: College Algebra |
MAT205 Mathematics Content for Teachers (For Elementary Education and Secondary Education -Math majors) |
No equivalency |
Science for BS Degrees
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
Science for BS Degrees (8 credits) |
Any 4 credit Laboratory Science such as: AST101/102: Survey of Astronomy w/ Lab |
Science for Psychology Majors | |
BIO181 General Biology w/ Lab | BIO181: General Biology (Majors) I |
BIO301 Human Anatomy and Physiology I w/ Lab | Not transferable. BIO160 is a lower-level overview class. |
Science for Biology Majors | |
BIO 181 General Biology I w/ Lab | BIO181: General Biology (Majors) I |
BIO 182 General Biology II w/ Lab | BIO182: General Biology (Majors) II |
Foreign Languages for BA Degrees
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
Foreign Language for BA Degrees (8 credits) |
Any foreign language, including Sign Language, for a total of 8 credits: ASL101: American Sign Language I |
Foreign Language for Biblical Studies | Biblical Greek is required for Biblical Studies and usually is not transferable from a community college. |
General Biblical & Theological Studies
Bible and Theology courses from community colleges are generally not accepted for transfer to ACU General Biblical and Theological Studies Curriculum but may be considered for elective credit. An exception would be for students who qualify for the Bible Minor Waiver (see above).
Academic Major Courses
Behavioral Health
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
PSY202 General Psychology | PSY101: Introduction to Psychology |
PSY210 Statistics for Behavioral Studies | PSY230: Introduction to Statistics |
PSY220 Theories of Personality | PSY 260 Psychology of Personality |
PSY275 Introduction to Research Methods | PSY 290AB Research Methods |
CHD312 Human Development | CFS205: Human Development |
Biblical & Theological Studies Major
Bible and Theology courses from Community Colleges are generally not accepted for transfer to ACU Biblical and Theological Studies major but may be considered for elective credit.
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
BIO181 General Biology I w/ Lab | BIO181: General Biology (Majors) I (4cr) |
BIO182 General Biology II w/ Lab | BIO182: General Biology (Majors) II (4cr) |
CHM151 General Chemistry I w/ Lab | CHM151/CHM151LL: General Chemistry I with Lab (4cr) |
CHM152 General Chemistry II w/ Lab | CHM152/CHM1521LL: General Chemistry II with Lab (4cr) |
CHM235 Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab | CHM235: General Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab (4cr) |
CHM236 Organic Chemistry Il w/ Lab | CHM236: General Organic Chemistry II w/ Lab (4cr) |
MAT112 College Algebra |
MAT121: Intermediate Algebra |
MAT220 Brief Calculus |
MAT212: Brief Calculus |
Business Administration Organizational Leadership Non-profit Management
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
BUS101 Introduction to Business | GBS151: Introduction to Business |
BUS210 Introduction to Statistics | MAT206: Elements of Statistics GBS221: Business Statistics |
CSC220 Computer Information Systems |
The following 3 classes may be combined to transfer in. All three must be taken. CIS113AE Microsoft Word: Word Processing Level 1 (1cr) |
ACC223 Principles of Accounting (3 credits) |
ACC109 Accounting Concepts |
MGT 232 Personal Money Management | GBS132 Personal and Family Financial Security |
Child Development
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
PSY 210 Statistics for Behavioral Studies | PSY230: Introduction to Statistics |
CHD101 Child Development | CFS176: Child Development |
CHD312 Human Development | CFS205: Human Development |
Christian Ministries
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
BUS 101 Introduction to Business | GBS151: Introduction to Business |
MGT 232 Personal Money Management | GBS132 Personal and Family Financial Security |
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
COM203 Introduction to Communication | COM100: Intro to Human Communication |
COM210 Introduction to Journalism | JRN105: Introduction to Journalism |
Elementary Education
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
HIS212 US and Arizona Government | POS220: U.S. & Arizona Constitution |
EDU230 Children’s Books for the Classroom | EDU291: Children’s Literature |
MAT205 Mathematics Content for Teachers | No equivalency |
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
ENG201 Introduction to Literature | ENH110 Introduction to Literature |
English Elective – Cultural Themes (3 credits) |
ENH201: World Literature Through the Renaissance |
English Electives – General (6 credits) |
Any 200 level Literature or English class |
Family Studies
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
FAM200 Family Resource Management | No equivalency |
CHD 312 Human Development | CFS205: Human Development |
Interdisciplinary Studies
Interdisciplinary Studies is a unique major designed to allow the student to customize a major in support of their career goals. Transferability of lower division courses is highly dependent upon the chosen fields of study. Please ask for an individual evaluation.
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
MUP 101 Class Piano I | MUP131: Class Piano I |
MUP 201 Class Piano II | MUP132: Class Piano II |
MUS 193 Music Theory I | MTC105: Music Theory I |
MUS 293 Music Theory II | MTC155: Music Theory II |
MUS 194 Sight Singing/Dictation I | MTC106: Aural Perception I |
MUS 294 Sight Singing/Dictation II | MTC156: Aural Perception II |
Political Science
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
POL 150 American Government | POS110 American National Government |
POL 200 Research and Writing | No Equivalency |
POL 210 Political Ideologies | POS210 Political Ideologies |
POL 230 Law and Politics | No Equivalency |
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
PSY 202 General Psychology | PSY101: Introduction to Psychology |
PSY 210 Statistics for Behavioral Studies | PSY230: Introduction to Statistics |
PSY 220 Theories of Personality | PSY 260 Psychology of Personality |
CHD 312 Human Development | CFS205: Human Development |
Secondary Education
ACU Course | MCC Transfer |
HIS 212 US and Arizona Government | POS220: U.S. & Arizona Constitution |
CHD312 Human Development or CHD314 Adolescent Development | CFS205: Human Development CFS176: Child Development |
MAT205 Mathematics Content for Teachers (Secondary Education -Math majors) | No equivalency |
Office of the Registrar
Arizona Christian University
1 W. Firestorm Way
Glendale, AZ 85306
(602) 386-4111
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