COVID Protocols Update

One year has passed since the extraordinary events of March 2020 changed so many things. A year ago at ACU we extended spring break and moved to virtual instruction to complete the semester, as we grappled with the unknowable impact of a coming global pandemic. And we...

Firestorm COVID Safety Guidelines

Arizona Christian University embraces a Community Covenant based on the four pillars of our core values, which spell out the acronym FIRE (Faith, Influence, Relationship, Excellence). As members of the ACU Firestorm community, we covenant together to advance this same...

ACU COVID-19 July Update

Dear ACU Students and Parents: We know this is a challenging season for many members of our community, as it is for our nation and the world. And yet at ACU, we know that God is in control – nothing that has happened or will happen is a surprise to Him. He holds our...

ACU Statement on COVID-19

Dear ACU Community: The leadership of ACU has been meeting regularly for the past few weeks and multiple times this week to prayerfully consider steps we can take to preserve the health and safety of our students and our community, while maintaining educational...