Adam Rasmussen, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Arts and Humanities
Associate Professor

[email protected]

Degrees and Experience

  • Ph.D. Educational Studies (Talbot School of Theology, Biola University)
  • M.A. Educational Ministries (Wheaton College)
  • B.A. History (Northwestern College)

Biography and Professional Achievements

Dr. Adam Rasmussen guides students to flourish under the Lordship of Christ in all of life as they make important connections between faith, reason, and culture. In his courses, students learn how to develop their own moral philosophy, so they are inspired to implement significant change in their sphere of influence. They are encouraged to “transform culture with truth”. Adam brings 25 years of experience in Christian education to his role at Arizona Christian University where he joyfully serves as the Associate Professor of Humanities.

Adam graduated summa cum laude from Northwestern College with a BA in history. His MA in Educational Ministries was earned with highest honors from Wheaton College. At the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University he earned a PhD in Educational Studies with a focus on leadership and administration. His dissertation title was “Francis Schaeffer and Educational Ministries at L’Abri: A Conceptual-Historical Study with New Qualitative Research”. His research interests include biblical literacy, educational ministries, and Christian apologetics.

Adam Rasmussen and his wife have been blessed with four beautiful daughters. He enjoys running, fishing, reading, and playing guitar. His passion is to glorify God by helping others grow to maturity in Jesus Christ.


  • Association of Christian Schools International, Advanced Quality Assurance Peer Reviewer: 2009 – 2019
  • Church Volunteer, Various Roles: 2001 – Present
  • East Valley Athletes for Christ, Board Member: 2020 – Present
  • Missions Ministries to Mexico, Volunteer: 2010-Present

Publications and Presentations

  • Rasmussen, A. (2014, December). [Review of the book Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being., by M. Seligman]. ACSI Leadership Matters, 2.2.
  • Rasmussen, A. (2005, December). Growing 252: Spiritual enrichment at Surrey Garden Christian
  • School. Colorado Springs, CO: ACSI Rocky Mountain Region Exemplary Schools.
  • Rasmussen, A. (2019). Francis Schaeffer and educational ministries at L’Abri: A historical-conceptual study with new qualitative research. (Publication No. 27667039) [Doctoral dissertation, Talbot School of Theology at Biola University]. ProQuest Dissertation Publishing.
  • Rasmussen, A. (2021). Francis Schaeffer’s use of questions can be helpful to Christian educators today [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Christian Educator’s Journal, April.
  • Rasmussen, A. (2021, February 24). More thinking and less amusement in worship music. Servants of Grace. https://servantsofgrace.org/more-thinking-and-less-amusement-in-worship-music/
  • Rasmussen, A. (2017, March). [Review of the book Rare leadership: 4 uncommon habits for increasing trust, joy, and engagement in the people you lead, by M. Warner & J. Wilder]. Christian Education Journal, 14.
  • Rasmussen, A. (2021, February 17). [Review of the book Truth with love: The apologetics of Francis Schaeffer, by B. Follis]. Servants of Grace. https://servantsofgrace.org/review-of-truth-with-love-the-apologetics-of-francis-schaeffer/
  • Rasmussen, A. (2015, March 11). A model for developing student leadership. [Conference session]. Merryland International School, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
  • Rasmussen, A. (2021, July 16). The humanities: A foundation for faith and freedom. [Conference session]. Arizona Families for Home Education Annual Conference, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ, United States. forthcoming.
  • Rasmussen, A. (2003, July). Indestructible faith. [Conference session]. SEND International. Madrid, Spain.
  • Rasmussen, A. (2017, November 2). Integrating a Christian worldview in the classroom. [Conference session]. Association of Christian Schools International Conference, Mesa, Arizona, United States.
  • Rasmussen, A. (1996, July). King’s messengers: Reaching the world for Christ. [Conference session]. Greater Europe Mission, Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Rasmussen, A. (2018, February 3). Loss in the family: A case study of grace in the Christian home. [Conference session]. Biblical Counselors of Arizona Conference, Gilbert, Arizona, United States.
  • Rasmussen, A. (2012, November 10). Servant leadership principles for student council. [Conference session]. ACSI Middle School Leadership Summit, Gilbert, Arizona.


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Arizona Christian University
1 W. Firestorm Way
Glendale, AZ 85306

(602) 489-5300

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