Hey ACU alumni, have you been following the adventures of Pastor Tim Reed this fall???
First he was at the ACU football game, and then he attended the Vocal Studio Recital last week. It was great to see so many alums at both of these events, and there are more opportunities for you to connect with Pastor Tim and have a great experience on campus at ACU in the new year!
On Saturday, January 8 Tim will be hosting alumni at the ACU Women’s Basketball (12 p.m.) and ACU Men’s Basketball (2 pm) games against Vanguard University. (Tickets: https://www.acufirestorm.com/tickets)
And on Friday, January 21 you’ll find Tim at the ACU Wrestling match on campus against cross-town rival Grand Canyon University at 5 pm.
In both cases the first 10 alumni to find Tim at the events will receive a coupon for a free drink from the Tower Grill, and Tim will also have a bunch of ACU swag just for alumni as well!