Since the first class of students arrived on campus 60 years ago, Southwestern College/ACU has recruited and admitted students who profess faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

In 60 years, that hasn’t changed. ACU remains a covenant University, where “iron sharpens iron.” But not everyone who attends ACU has experienced immersion baptism.

As the Holy Spirit moves in their lives, ACU students often ask to be baptized as a public profession of their faith. Coaches, professors, fellow students and friends share in these celebrations, like the one that took place in early May on campus.

Senior Brandon Jackson, who was among those who were baptized at ACU this year, stated, “I have been a Christian for a long time, but on my path to understanding what that truly means, I could not help but want to jump in that water to show that I am serious about why I’m living the way I’m living. That ultimate act of worship was more like, ‘it’s about time!’ than anything, and was long awaited in my intimacy with Jesus. Getting baptized was one of the best decisions of my life.”

Just prior to graduation, five additional students made a public declaration of their faith and were baptized in the water fountain on campus. Many others have been baptized this year.

ACU’s theme verse for student baptisms is:

“For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead. You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you ALIVE with Christ, for he forgave all our sins.” – Colossians 2:12-13