Each Spring ACU celebrates “GO Week,” a time where students are made aware of and given opportunities to engage in Global Opportunities to spread the Gospel. This year, the Firestorm family engaged in service projects and gained exposure to transformational gospel outreach missions in our community and throughout the world.
A central theme for 2021 was understanding God’s presence as we go into the world to fulfill the Great Commission. “Christ promised he would always be with us. His presence and authority accompany us as we carry out his disciple-making mission,” stated Campus Pastor Jason Hubbard.
On the first night of GO Week, students, staff, and faculty came together to learn more about life and culture on the continent of Africa. They also enjoyed authentic Kenyan, South African, and Ugandan food. Several staff and students who grew up in Africa shared their experiences and insights about what God is doing the countries from which they come.
“We can so easily get caught up in our own little bubbles, forgetting there is a wide world out there, full of people who don’t think like us,” noted GO Week coordinator Sierra Sweet. “In celebrating GO Week we are encouraging students to explore the cultures and lives of our brothers and sisters around the world. And not only that, we are also commissioning our students to learn from and serve in these nations, just as Jesus commissions us to do in Matthew 28.”
ACU students closed out GO Week with a day of service at a local refugee welcome center in the Phoenix area. It was a great opportunity to serve our community and learn more about the lives and experiences of the people who have sought refuge in this country.
We are thankful for our students’ hearts to serve their community and learn more about the world around them through experiences like these!
Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
– John 20:21 (NIV)